Monday, April 14, 2008


This week we will provide you all G.K related stuffs

any query, pls feel free to contact


Field Person
The first Indian woman to swim across the English Channel Miss. Arati Shah
The first Indian to win world Billiards Trophy Wilson Jones
The first to cross the Damelles by swimming Mihir Sen
The first to conquer Everest Sherpa Tenzing (1953)
The first to sail round the world Megellan
The first person to win Wimbledon title five times Bjorn Borg
The first woman who conquered Everest Jungo Table (Japan)
The first person to reach North Pole Robert Peary
First woman Olympic Medallist (Weight Lifting) Karnam Malleswari (2000)
The first person to reach South Pole Amundsen
The first Indian to win All England Badminton Championship Prakash Padukone
The first Indian woman to conquer Everest Bichendri Pal
The first an to climb Everest twice Nawang Gombu
The first person to complete solo walk to magnetic North pole David Hempleman Adam (UK)
The first woman to reach North pole Ann Bancroft
The first woman to sail non stop around the world alone Kaycottee
The first deaf & dumb to cross the strait of Gibraltar Taranath Shenoy (India)
The first woman to climb Mt. Everest twice Santosh Yadav (India)
The first black player to win the Wimbledon men's singles title Arthur Ashe (US)
The first person to win the Palk Strait ocean swimming contest Baidyanath

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